float4 sample(sampler s, float2 coord, int2 offset = int2(0))
The function returns the value of a texture for the given coordinates using the specified sampler and offset. The dimension of the coordinate and offset vector has to match the dimension of the texture.
The return type is a 4-component vector that is derived from the type specified in the texture declaration.
texture2d<float> texture
The available types are float, half, int, uint, short and ushort.
float4 read(uint2 coord, uint lod = 0)
The function returns the value of a texture for the given coordinates using the specified level of detail (sampler-less). The dimension of the coordinate has to match the dimension of the texture.
The return type is a 4-component vector that is derived from the type specified in the texture declaration.
texture2d<float> texture
The available types are float, half, int, uint, short and ushort.
uint get_width(uint lod = 0)
The function returns the width of a texture using the specified level of detail.
uint get_height(uint lod = 0)
The function returns the height of a texture using the specified level of detail.
uint get_num_mip_levels()
The function returns number of mipmaps of a texture.